Textile Printing,
A Way To Be Self-Supported.
GKS Kanjonga Bakul, East Sumba, 3 – 4 October, 2013

Young people are required to be self-supported and creative, as well as willing to share with others. It motivates Antonius Karepi Andung, often called Anton, a youth in GKS Kanjonga Bakul, East Sumba to learn textile printing technique in Yogyakarta. Through exposure program to Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta, he was sent by Stube-HEMAT Sumba to learn it.

On Wednesday until Thursday, 3–4 October, 2013,  Anton shared his experiences doing textile printing techniques to Evan and Oscar, youth of GKS Kanjonga Bakul, District of Nggaha Ori Angu. The coordinator of Stube HEMAT Sumba, Rev. Dominggus Umbu Deta, S.Th, started this practice by explaining the reason why introducing textile printing for the youth. This program was expected to empower Sumba youth to be self-supported by doing a small enterprise.

Rev. Domi designed the drawing while Anton prepared printing screen and continued the printing process. Actually, it is not an easy process to make textile printing as it begins from doing drawing designs, screen preparation, color mixture until printing the drawings on t-shirt. In the beginning, the printing products are not as good as expected because of uneven paint or unclear drawing. However, they did not lose their passion to learn the textile printing. Producing an excellent printing needs patience that will make it smooth and neat. Another problem they are facing is the provision of textile printing materials since it is difficult to find in Sumba, so Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta has to ship it from Java.

At the end of the practice, Rev. Domi and Anton believe that although this printing business is still small, it is a one step ahead to encourage young people to be self-supported, especially in Sumba. Well, never give up guys! (TRU)
