Learn and Discover!
Reflection of Exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta Program

'Experiential Learning' is a sort of learning form, assumed more meaningful as it provides ‘real’ experience to students on a learning material. The method brings benefits to the students because they learn not only the concept of matter, but they involve directly in the learning process used as their experiences and how to discover new things.

It is actually what Stube-HEMAT Sumba does by providing opportunities for students and youth activists from Stube-HEMAT Sumba to study in Yogyakarta for one month. In Yogyakarta they learn many new topics, such as batik jumputan, ribbon embroidery, journalism and packaging techniques. Besides that they also improve their knowledge by practice learning of integrated farming, dry land agriculture, bamboo art design and integrated livestock.

In 2014, Benhardyanto Lobo Mone (GKS Makamenggit), Feni Kaita Lepir (GKS Kombapari), Guest Ning Apu (GKS Payeti), Jems Umbu Yiwa Ndapangadung and Ignasius Umbu Reda Anabuni (STIE Kriswina) and Yumi Takadjadji (STT Lewa) were elected as the delegations of Stube-HEMAT Sumba to learn to Yogyakarta from the 4th until 29th of September, 2014.

Journalism became one of the learning menus, in  which participants were trained to express what they saw, heard and felt, subsequently embodied in written form. Such writings skills became sort of 'ammunition' to document the cultural richness of Sumba, to promote Sumba tourism potencies, to reveal the fact of social problems, and to improve personal writing skills and even to get income.

Next, they learned enthusistically batik jumputan, ribbon embroidery and packaging techniques. These skills equipped participants to promote themselves and built self-reliance through entrepreneurship of souvenirs and accessories.

Agriculture and livestock applied daily in Sumba was enriched with knowledge of integrated farm management and pig farms quality. Integrated farming by utilizing irrigation water distributed to a fish pond, duck and finally into farmland may become one practise example. Further, the pigs farm was enhanced through improved pig seeds, healthy food selection and qualified treatment.

At the end of the program, participants commited that the knowledge, experience and skills got in Yogyakarta will be applied and developed in Sumba. One of them, Ningsih Tamu Apu said, "I will apply all the knowledge I get to woman farmers in Wangga Watu, especially Rinjung Pahamu group, how to cultivate farmland better".

It’s the time for young people to build a better Sumba. Good Luck! (TRU).
