Sent out from Sumba to Learn
Program to
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta

Why does Yogyakarta become the destination? Because
Stube-HEMAT Sumba was originated from the city that’s known as student,
cultural and tourism city. Most of young people across the country dream to continue their study
in Yogyakarta because there are various fields of study in
many education
institutions in this city. Besides the complete education facilities and comfortable learning
atmosphere, the living cost in this city is relatively affordable. As a city with rich cultures and tourism artworks,
tradition and creativity, this place has many beautiful tourist areas, many
handicrafts, souvenirs and culinaries.
By sending them to Yogyakarta, participants get real
experiences because they can see and discover new things. Participants are
expected to learn a lot of things and find out what could be developed in
Sumba. On Monday morning, September 1, 2014 the participants departed from
Waingapu using Awu Ship, with route of Waingapu – Bima – Benoa – Tanjung Perak, then
continued by car from Surabaya – Yogyakarta, and arrived in
Yogyakarta on September
The group sent in the year
2014, is the fifth one
consisting of Ignatius
Umbu Reda Anabuni and Jems Umbu Yiwa Ndapangadung (both from Wira Wacana
Economics Institute) and
Yumi Takadjadji, a student of Theological Institute of GKS Lewa. While the representatives of
church youth are Ningsih Tamu Apu from Sumba Christian Church of Payeti, Feni Kaita Lepir from Kombapari
and Benhardyanto Lobo Mone from Makamenggit.
In a briefing on 25 and 29 August 2014, Rev. Dominggus Umbu
Deta, S.Th., the coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Sumba delivered a message to the
participants, "The
opportunity to learn in Yogya is kind of God’s blessing. Participants should be grateful
for it. Learn
seriously and develop your talent in Yogyakarta. But you must remember, on your return to Sumba, the experiences and skills gained should not be owned by yourself, but please
share to others."
The activities in Yogyakarta from 3 to 30 September, 2014
consist of a series of learning through discussions and practice skills based on participants'
interests, such as journalism, culinary, bamboo craft, fodder, batik, various packaging techniques, and
dry land agriculture. As an added value to the participants, they will
also learn culture and
heritage by visiting and exploring some historical places.
Finally for all participants,
please go through the
process and learn many things. God bless you all. (TRU)
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