One Story Fragment
in Marapu Land
Time is hard to
But let me sure,
Time has a pleasant
Time brings us to find
truly friends
But, time also lead us
to be apart
Among us and them
The Exploring Sumba
program from Yogyakarta to Sumba leaves memories and unforgettable experiences
in which we can share knowledge and everything. This chance brings us to meet
Petrus Maure and Elisabet Novia Listiawati.

Mondulambi beach and
Manubara waterfall were two places that we have promoted to them. They also
observed people’s life in Matawai Harangi, Mondulambi village, one of church
service point, where people lived in simplicity and facility limitation.
Eventhough we met Petrus
and Elisabet for just a moment, but we felt a meaningful feeling of togetherness. We
believed that knowledge and experience we have gained will be useful for the
sake of humanity besides friendship among young students. (DNY) ***
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