Dare to Design Business Since Young
Participants’ presentation as follow-up of
entrepreneurship program
Stube-HEMAT Sumba is a
student-mentoring program that expect participants who take part in the
training become a qualified person. For the sake of it,
program of Entrepreneurship
training: promotion and market in digital era was held at GKS Pambotandjara,
Wairinding, a branch of GKS Umamapu, on Friday-Sunday, May 12-14, 2017. The training was attended by students from several
campuses, such as STT Terpadu, Unkriswina, AKN and local church youth discussing
a topic on how to open
business in digital era and invited participants to bring up their
creative ideas of
business and practice their plan in next 5 years.
Participants arranged their
follow-up planning before present the ideas on Saturday, May 27, 2017 at Stube-HEMAT
Sumba secretariat. It was attended by 14 participants and 3 members of
Stube-HEMAT Sumba team, Apriyanto Hangga, Jufri Adi Papa and Yulius Anawaru, who
hosted the presentation.

The participants presented
their next five years plan. First, Naser Hailu Poti, a student in
Wirawacana Christian University, who has been working on ducks farming business
in Lambanapu. He and his friends keep the ducks and sell the eggs. Second, Ekivianus Bulu, a student in STT
Terpadu, whose plan is opening Sumbanese food stall, such as corn rice, nuts rice, and
local side-dishes in the next 5 years. Also, the stall will be decorated
with typical art of Sumba. Third, Putra Jayadi, a student of State Community
Academy (AKN) Waingapu, who has started a business as carpenter. In next five
years he and his father focus on wood business and furnitures for buildings.
There were other various ideas came up.
Apriyanto Hangga, one of
the Stube-HEMAT Sumba team really appreciated ideas and plans of each
participant. He gave input to Naser in developing laying ducks that
it needs to set production target, open
selling place and broaden the promotion. Yulius Anawaru gave Ekivianus inputs
to find a strategic place, so that the food stalls can be reached by tourists
and the food menus should be various so the consumers have many choices, and
make them satisfied.
Yohan Mbani, one of
training participants responded the training held by Stube-HEMAT Sumba as a
topic that open his insight about entrepreneurship, because there were many
opportunities to open a business in this era. “I have found several things from
this learning
to be developed since now or in the next five years, such as
opening a livestock
business as daily life income source,” he said.
So to young
people, recognize your talent and develop it as a business started from what you have until you are
able to earn money. Don’t give up, keep on learning to be
independent although from the simple one. (Naomy Mora Kalak).
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