It’s Time to Exist through Writing
Journalistic Training Program (Waingapu class)

Journalism is a knowledge of reporting, managing and conveying information about events and data presented through printed media, electronic or internet. Writing activities become a part of journalism itself.

Young people and students need to develop their journalistic skills, especially writing because it will broaden their knowledge. Stube-HEMAT Sumba took the initiative to organize journalistic training for students on Friday-Saturday, 5-6 May 2017 at Stube-HEMAT Sumba Secretariat on Soeharto Street, Gang Kampung Barat No.23 Waingapu, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. The theme chosen was 'It’s time to exist through writing'

This activity has a purpose that the participants learn the writing techniques and how to collect the data for writing. Participants are motivated to write their ideas, opinions, or criticism in a specific context and actually during the process they make improvement in their writing skills.

There were thirteen students attending this training. They came from 2 campuses in East Sumba covering Christian University of Wira Wacana and TERPADU theology seminary. Yulius Rihi Anawaru, one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team thanked to each participant who attended and stated that this activity was helpful when they were doing academic tasks, such as, issuing ideas in mass media and conveying information to others.

Trustha Rembaka, the coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta became the facilitator of this training. He described techniques and steps how to make a good writing so it will be easily read and understood by readers. Trustha invited participants to do interesting things, such as: introducing themselves to each participant as well as telling their village of origin, watching a documentary video of Stube-HEMAT Sumba activity, Games as a burning spirit of learning, reading articles posted in Stube-HEMAT Sumba blog, and encouraging participants to write immediately.

Jumlitan S. Windi, one of the participants studying at Unkriswina said, "The change happened in my life during this two-days-writing class is that I got more insight about the writing steps and more confident to write as what the facilitator said".

It is time for young people to show the presence, contribution and ideas through writing. Yes, it's time to exist through writing. (Ebhan Tanga Tuang).
