Let’s Write! It changes life
Socialization of Stube HEMAT Sumba and writing class
At GKS Praihowar, May 6 and 10, 2017

'Long live education' is a term used in the world of education means that learning happens throughout life, not limited by space and time. Education is a need of every human being, to have a good character and broad-minded. Similarly in Sumba, according to BPS data in 2013, there are 11% of 240,000 population from 10 years old and above are illiterate in East Sumba. It requires attention and action to improve the quality of human resources, especially in East Sumba.

Stube-HEMAT Sumba as an institution mentoring students and church youth, takes part in the effort to strengthen human resources in Sumba through various training programs. One of the program is Journalism. Journalism is a knowledge to learn activities covering, managing and conveying information about events or data and then to present the findings through printed media, electronic or internet. The activity focusing on writing, encourages students and church youth to produce writing and reduces illiteracy among youth nowadays.

Socialization Program and journalism of Stube-HEMAT Sumba for church youth was held at GKS Praihowar, branch of GKS Payeti on Saturday, May 6, 2017. It was attended by local church youth, Yulius Anawaru, team member of Stube-HEMAT Sumba and Trustha Rembaka, S.Th coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. The presence of Trustha Rembaka as a facilitator gave new spirit for the youth. The participants were invited to introduce themselves, to play game ‘komunikata’ and to tell a 1-minute story. Although they were different in education, from junior high, high school, college and even worked, they confidently told their most memorable experiences. Trustha motivated them to defeat laziness and ignorance through writing regularly, expressing what they feel into text.

The second meeting was held on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 in the same place. Participants were asked to write what they have experienced and what they want to be a on a single sheet of paper. It is right that writing is not as easy as what they thought.  It is what they experienced. Even though they faced limitation of chance on and time they completed their own handwritten works. "At the moment when my mood is happy or sad I often express it into writing, because through writing, I can release what I feel and think" said Rezeky, one of the youth. "The ability to write can be reached if there are three things: willingness, knowledge and skills. Potencies and spirit of the youth here have emerged through their writings, they just need additional knowledge and mentoring to develop their full potency", said Trustha.

Of course, everyone can write either experiences or dreams even many other things. So, now free yourself, start to write and change your life to be better. (Septi Dadi).
