Still Reluctant to Write till Now?
Journalistic Training Program
(Lewa class)
Writing is an activity
that everyone can do. Through writing someone can express ideas and share experiences. Ironically, not many young people
are interested to learn more about writing because of various factors, such as laziness, narrow minded and bustle. Actually, writing is easy to do when
it comes from inner strength, and it will develop both knowledge and skill to compose words. So, it is
very important for young people to do writing activities because they will learn more about writing techniques
and how to collect data.
Stube-HEMAT Sumba as
institution mentoring students in Sumba, realized the importance of writing
skills among students. So, it initiated writing workshop for students in STT GKS Lewa. The
workshop is facilitated by Trustha Rembaka, coordinator of Stube-HEMAT
Yogyakarta, accompanied by Apriyanto Hangga, A.Md, one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team

The writing class was
held several times, first, on Monday, May 8, 2017. It was attended by 12 participants and
it discussed the
importance of writing, sharpened creativity, and learned writing tips. Second, on Tuesday, May
9, 2017, 11 participants discussed topics on how to write, type of writing and
writing framework. Several types of writing included poetry as a media
to express the writer’s feelings, especially
on social issues.
Reportage is another type of writing, used to report events. A story or feature tells a story or
a character that affects society positively. Interview is a good instrument to
collect data for writing because
there is a dialogue with key person to find information. Opinion is a short of
writing to examine a
problem in which the author provides opinion to open public understanding. Third, the
class was held on
Wednesday, May 10, 2017 when participants practice to interviews IG Made Raspita, the
inspirator of
agriculture and animal husbandry at Sumba Sejahtera Foundation (YSS) in Lewa.

Trustha, as
the facilitator
explained the material well, he is also flexible and close to the
participants. He always opened dialogue so this activity was really beneficial for the students.
Although the lectures in campus were full, the participants were excited and willing
to allocate their time
to participate in writing class because of strong will to hone their writing
Through this activity,
the participants do not only know about the importance of writing and methods in
writing, but also practice the knowledge by writing poetry, reportage, story and interview. (Yendri Kati Amah).
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