Three lighters for Sumba
(participants’ reflection
of Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta)
Appreciate Time
(Desri Kahi Mila Meha,
STT Terpadu Waingapu)

This habit is still
practiced by many people in East Sumba, even in my community, unluckily it is inherent in me. My bad habit
of delaying time wastes lots of things though it should be done. Another result of
not managing time is causing many unfinished works.
I was so inspired by
activities I joined during my time in Yogyakarta that is discipline with time and every activity is managed by time and also
limited by time. Through this opportunity I learned to adjust myself and it
is necessary for me to do it because discipline is a very
basic thing to appreciate time.
I had to change my former
habit by adopting new habit to appreciate and manage time well. If everything
is set by time, I will be able to make it on time and I have time to do other things. I
hope when I apply this good thing in my community, there will be positive
effects done by people around me. The important thing is I have to start from
myself first to be a role model for others. I do start to respect time!!!
The power of different Iris
(Erik Bidikonda Hawula,
Unkriswina, Waingapu)

The differences that
exist around us often trigger disputes or conflicts for others that if not be handled carefully will
get worse and even lead to bloodshed. Of course, it is not impossible to unite

Indonesia unites us among
1.300 ethnics, 1.158 local languages and various religions and local beliefs.
this diversity of course can trigger conflict if we are unable to see the power
of diversity. How do we see the power? Sure, with different
eyes iris.
The process of Exposure
to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta taught me how to see everything that looks ordinary have dear value by accepting and optimizing diversity.
The photo below showed when I attended a training on peace studies at Ngesti Laras inn,
Peacemaker in conflict
(Marinus Mardi Ishak,
Many conflict cases
became public consumption in Indonesia lately. Actually, this situation
triggered and stimulated critical and analytical power from all people,
especially the young. They do not just sit and see, but also take part in constructive thought and
action. When joining activities in Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, I reflected
that each of us should be a peacemaker.
The conflicts in this
country are not only related to humanitarian-religious issue but also
humanitarian-ecological issue. Topics that I have learned in
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta were model of reality conflict in life, including 1. Interfaith Dialogue, 2. Farming
on sand banks, 3. Livestock Management, 4. Peace Studies: Conflict Management
and Conflict Resolution, and 5. Waste Recycling. All these activities were part
of conflict resolutions offered to each of us to act as peacemaker.
Obviously, we see the
reality, but unconsciously we are in the middle of conflict. The question is,
what we should do? Inevitably this is the responsibility of every one
to manage and provide
resolution of conflict. Of course we are not the trigger of the conflicts, but
we got the effects of them. That is the reason why we have to act, as the idiom
‘If not us, who will be, and if not now, when will be’. This idiom motivates me to be a good mediator in
analyzing and mediating conflicts.
Peacemaker is not only thinking and analyzing but also acting synergically with interfaith, ethnic
and race network from Sabang to Merauke and
not be interfered by personal conflict. This responsibility should start from
myself. I was so grateful for the opportunity to attend many activities in
Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, as well as to know Stube team and friends in Yogyakarta.
The experience and knowledge I gained will be shared to my friends in Stube-HEMAT Sumba. Thank you for the network linked
with friends in Stube Germany.
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