Youth is a friend for the nature
Nature is the only
place for the living
creature to live. In the
beginning, nature is a good place for human to live as it provides everything to cultivate and even
it nurture the
sustainability of human’s
life. However, nowadays nature is getting damaged, human who is supposed to keep and nurture
it, even exploit
it greedily without
caring of its sustainability for the future. As the result, the condition of land, air,
clean water deteriorates and the living creatures are threatened.
There are many changes
of natural
conditions in Sumba, such as grasshopper raid in East Sumba few months ago,
failure of food crops because of mice, reduction of water
springs and savanna fire
during dry season. It
causes damage to food
crops and brings a risk to food security, disruption of food chains and drought. People
who live depend on the nature must work harder to fullfil their needs.

I Gusti Made Raspita, a
community leader and the founder of Yayasan Sumba Sejahtera (YSS),
usually called 'a farmer
with a tie' because his success in fostering awareness among Sumbanese on environmental concern. He said that
many people was smart in theory but did not do what they said. In addition, life needs balance by giving attention to sustainable conditon of
ecology, social, and economy. Thus, it needs continuous effort to love the
conserved environment.
Participants presentation
on exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, Marinus Mardi Ishak, Desriani Kahi Mila
Meha and Erik Bidikonda Hawula completed this training process by sharing new knowledge about sand farming,
pigs breeding and utilization of used products to the participants. Yohanis Bulu, a student of STT GKS
said, "I am very grateful to join
Stube especially
by following this
activity, because not all information I can get in campus. Stube invited me to
see the phenomenon, shared and received knowledge with friends from other campus"

I started from myself to keep God's creation. Let my generation enjoy what result's I've made.