Ready to Face Global Demand?
Human Resource Facing Global
Globalization and free
trade make business competition more intense. At the macro level, the government
needs to improve human resources competence through education quality
improvement programs, while at the micro level, companies need to adopt the
appropriate vision, mission and strategy.
A training on human resource
discussing about
facing global demand with a theme 'Ready to Face Global Demand?' was held by Stube-HEMAT Sumba in
GKS Lambanapu on September 28-30, 2018. It was attended by forty trainees
consisting of students from several campuses such as Unkriswina Sumba, STT GKS
Lewa, STT Terpadu Waingapu, Nursing Academy of Waingapu and PDD East Sumba.
Ruben Nggulindima,
S.Sos., M.Pd, the secretary of education departement of East Sumba presented a
topic on ‘The role of local government in improving human resources'. Nowadays the
regional government of East Sumba Regency is pushing to increase elementary
school buildings by implementing one elementary school per 4 kms, one junior high school per 5 kms, as well as improving educators’
quality by providing training for teachers and increasing teachers’ welfare.

The office of manpower
and transmigration sent Donatus Hadut, SH, the secretary, to deliver a material
on preparing reliable workforce in facing global markets and labor
opportunities. Currently in Sumba there are eight hundred job opportunities
available to work at PT Muria Sumba Manis (MSM) which opens the second largest sugar cane plantation
and factory in
Indonesia. This project will recruit around seven thousand people until 2019
and the recruitment is still in process. For those who want to work at PT MSM the
opportunity is open now and it is also facilitated by the department of manpower and

Umbu Ho Ara, SE. M.Si,
with a topic on ‘Encouraging the competitiveness of the regional economy in facing global
markets’ explained about competitiveness by creating the ability to face the
challenge of international market competition and increasing real income.
Globalization bore International Monetary Fund (IMF) which increases interdependence, World Bank, freedom
and ability of individuals and companies to initiate economic transactions.
Free market globalization becomes a market that cannot be intervened by state
At the end of the
training, Shantaria A.R Nodu, a training participant said, "I am new to
know about Stube-HEMAT Sumba however I
feel very happy to
participate in it, because I learn deeper about human resource in facing global
challenges. Besides that, I am proud because I was chosen as participant among
students in Sumba. Hopefully in the next training I have another opportunity to
take part".
The expectation coming
out of the training is
the government and the private sectors can work together better to develop Sumba. Through this
training, students are enabled to observe available opportunities to develop
themselves, even to open jobs for others. (YAW).
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