Livestocks Theft In Sumba Island
Rambu Melani Konga, Husbandry, Unkriswina

Sumba Island is well-known for producing livestocks, its nature with savannas is modal and motivation for the community to raise animals such as cattle, horses, buffaloes and pigs. Livestock is very beneficial for the community, in addition to financial benefits, livestocks is needed to fulfill custom needs. Nearly in every house has one of them. (5/07/2012) released an article ‘sumba island, livestock potency of the savanna". "Livestock in East Sumba has good potency. This is supported by geographical conditions that are indeed very suitable. Savanna is an excellent natural means for livestock on Sumba Island. The availability of natural food sources for livestock make savanna very feasible location for livestock development, However, in the past few years, the Sumbanese have been troubled by cases of livestock theft, which is certainly harming them., one of online medias in East Sumba (02/20/2016) put the headline "The rise of livestock theft in East Sumba", news gathered by the writer from online media, (9/02/2019) reported that "East Sumba Regional Police Revealed Theft of 19 Cows", These news revealed condition of Sumba which is prone to cases of livestock theft. Our question is what should be done so that such cases  can be vanished from this Marapu island?

Livestocks theft should be completely handled by police. The cases have occured for years. They are increasing and causing anxiety among people, as livestocks are main income that support economic needs. During investigation, the police should not focus only on the perpetrators who were found stealing livestocks, but also the syndicate. The absence of in-depth investigation will make the theft more widespread. It is important to involve all stakeholders in fighting livestock theft. This is the responsibility of all members of the community, not only the police. It is time to reactivate night watch and every livestock is given an identity stamp and identity card. The stamp will make easier for the owner to identify the livestocks well, while the identity card informs clear and legal data of the livestock.

Finally, the writer invites all elements of society to join hands in hands eradicating livestock theft cases, while the police really thoroughly investigates the case to its root, in order to get rid the cry of people who lost their cattle. ***
