Vocational School Graduates
Dominate Unemployment in Indonesia
Solfina Lika Lija, Theology, STT Terpadu

Indonesia is a country that rich in natural resources, both at sea and on land. However, the unemployment rate is quite high. One of the contributors to the unemployment rate, according to data in August 2018, came from graduates of Vocational Schools (SMK) which reached 11%. Online media Detik.com (11/11/2018) posted news entitled "The Unemployment in Indonesia is Mostly Graduates of Vocational Schools, Jokowi Said" https://finance.detik.com/berita-ekonomi-bisnis/d-4289489/pengangguran-ri-paling-banyak-lulusan-smk-ini-kata-jokowi.

The vocational school slogan ‘ready to work’ infact is not proportional to real condition, because data showed many vocational school graduates who have not worked yet. The government program has been very supportive by making Vocational Schools directly focusing on a job by training students continuously at school, and being ready to work after graduated. Unfortunately, the intention and good start to prepare the nation's cadres who are ready to work is not comparable to availability of job opportunity provided by the government.

There are still companies that are not sure to vocational school graduates, even some companies hired foreign workers. It is ironic that we lose competitiveness with foreign workers. In this case the government should act decisively, giving warning to private sector which employ less of Indonesian workers. Further, responding to this, government should take action quickly by providing jobs for vocational school graduates. I observe that vocational graduates actually have high and good working spirit.

At last, I invited all young people, besides wishing for the government's responsibility in providing jobs, we have to improve our soft skills (communication skills, hard work, honesty etc.) so that we become qualified young Indonesians who are ready to face global competition that is full of competitors. ***
