Agriculture: The Land is Like Mother, so Respect Your Mother

By: Frans Fredi Kalikit Bara

As time goes by and the acceleration of Indonesia’s development, young people are increasingly demanded to be individuals who are adaptable to the changes of time. To answer the challenges of times, their learning spaces should not only be in formal learning but also create new learning spaces that are directly touching the surrounding social problems.

In 2018, one of the printed media in Germany, Focus magazine wrote Sumba Island as the most beautiful island in the world and it was even said that Sumba was a hidden paradise. The potencies of Sumba's natural resources are like hidden treasures and have not been intensively processed for the economic development of the people of this island.

As a form of awareness building movement towards the real potencies that exist in Sumba, on July 13, 2020 thirteen young people gathered and united their vision to take part in developing agriculture in Sumba. This group is Stube HEMAT Horticultural Farmers Community. We are fully aware that Sumba is an island rich in natural resources, waiting for the hands of young Sumbanese to develop it.

Most the Sumbanese refer to land as Mother. This is a philosophy that bind them to land as valuable ancestral heritage, as a source of life. Selling land is the same as selling mother and this practise should not occured in Sumba, but the expectations did not match with the reality. As a growing community, we are committed to restore the philosophy of the land as enliving mother. ***
