Swine Breeder Group & Animal Husbandry Department of East Sumba Regency

One interesting thing in the midst of the ASF (African Swine Fever) virus attack on pigs in East Sumba is that the breeders continue to consolidate in groups and continue to look for answers how to deal it. Motivated by the multiplicator of Stube HEMAT in Sumba, Apriyanto Hangga invited breeders and resource persons from the Animal Husbandry Department of East Sumba regency to meet and interact about pigs in a one-day training in his residence (13/11/2020).

This activity is one of Animal Husbandry Training Program series that have been implemented before. Due to good cooperation, the Animal Husbandry Department sent 3 veterinarians to interact with the community. The major topics discussed at the meeting were the Recent Development of Swine Farming in East Sumba, both in terms of population-disease eradication, and fulfillment of livestock needs. Many things were discussed on this occasion because people who were competent in the field of pig livestock were present so that the atmosphere was very fluid and the community could tell the problems they face related to their livestock. Umbu Ridwan Premajangga, a veterinarian spoke specifically on "Pig population and development, and disease eradication", while Hendrina Meha (a veterinarian) spoke specifically on “Animal Nutrition” and Rambu Mersy (a veterinarian) presented “Livestock breeding and infectious diseases in livestock and prevention”.

The Animal Husbandry Department has vaccinated 70.000 pigs, but the real number of pigs goes beyond that number because many pigs are not vaccinated for various reasons. Since February 2020, many pigs in East Sumba have been infected by the ASF Virus, and the estimated death toll reached more than 5.000. It was alleged that the cases were ignited by inter-island deliveries of pigs and the sale of pork-based foods from infected areas, such as the delivery of ‘pork se'i’ and pork bread from Kupang and nearby, so that the pigs in East Sumba infected by this deadly virus that has no cure yet.

The needs of pork temporarily are supplied by meat from large livestock such as beef or poultry such as chicken because people are prohibited to bring in livestock or food containing pork from anywhere until now.

Some points that can be concluded are as follows:

1.      A breeder group has been formed with 20 breeders as members.

2.      The cage must be clean and must be sterilized.

3.      Never give livestock leftovers, especially leftovers contain pork.

4.       Never eat suspicious porks.

5.       Pigs must be routinely given the vaccine every 6 months.

6.       If a pig dies, it must be buried or burned.

7.       Livestocks should be provided with clean and nutritious food.

8.       Do not bring in livestock or food containing pork from outside.

9.    If there are symptoms of illness in the livestock, never give the injection by yourself but report it to the agent or the Animal Husbandry Department.

10.   Do not be afraid to raise pigs as long as the cage is proper, clean, and has good control.

 Keep your spirit the pig breeders in East Sumba to bring progress. ***
