Distinguishing Pests and Diseases

By: Frans Fredy Kalikit Bara

The following field study is related to the observation of pests and diseases. For students, church youths, and even farmers themselves, the terms of pests and diseases are rather difficult to differentiate, therefore, Stube HEMAT through a multiplication program promoted a topic related to pests and diseases, so that the participants can understand clearly. This activity was carried out at the Stube HEMAT field study center (Saturday, 23/01/2021) Waingapu, Lambanapu, Kambera district, East Sumba regency.

Nine participants took part in this training. By understanding several things that threaten the world of agriculture including its break-through, they were directed to the tomato area and given a chance to observe pests by cutting parts of plants attacked by pests or diseases. These parts can be leaves, stems, roots, fruit, flowers, or flower stalks.

During the observation, they were surprised to know that tomatoes could be cultivated during the rainy season. One participant said, “Nobody grows tomatoes during the rainy season in my village, but the plants grow well here, even in the rainy season!” he shook his head. Others asked, "What is the difference between diseases and pests?"

Having finished the observation and taken some parts of the plants attacked by pests or diseases, they left the fields and brought the results of their observations to the resource person. The source person tried to make sure the participants’ understanding  about pests and diseases by asking them, "What do you know about pests and diseases?" The participants saw each other while looking for the correct answer. "Pests can move or can be seen with the eyes, for example, fruit caterpillars, fruit flies, types of lice, and white butterflies. While the disease does not move or cannot be seen with the eye, symptoms appear in plants, such as the Geminivirus, bacterial wilt, and bacterial spots,” he explained.

Based on this activity, the participants continued to have experience by observing the fields, so that they would understand those threaten the agricultural world, such as pests and diseases, and would be able how to deal them. ***

