Pork Buns, an Alternative-Creative Business

Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Sumba – Livestocks.          

In the development of business related to pig livestock, the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Sumba encourages the members to increase their capacity from rearing piglets, vaccinations, making feed, and making culinary dishes made from pork.

Femiyanti Rambu Witu, a culinary practitioner, accompanied fifteen participants to practice making pork buns. Before practice, the participants discussed pork buns as an alternative food or snack made from pork and explored the derivatives products of pork. The activity was carried out in Mboka Km. 5, Waingapu (Saturday,24/09/2022)

She explained the cooking stages, from identifying the ingredients for making pork buns, such as flour, sugar, salt, butter, yeast, and pork meat. Then prepare flavor-enhancing spices, such as shallots, garlic, pepper, pepper, lemongrass, butter, jam, and coloring. The participants followed the process according to the resource person's instructions.

The cooking process is as follows: (1) mix the flour, butter, yeast, sugar, and water, then stir into a dough; (2) mince the pork in small size and add the shallots, garlic, pepper, and coriander; (3) fry the minced pork over low heat until it cooked and let it cool; (4) shape the bread dough according to taste, put the pork for the filling, and spread the egg yolk on the top of the bread dough; (5) put the bread dough in the pan and bake it until it is well-cooked with its good aroma.

It must be admitted that the participants need to keep practicing so that the appearance of the bread looks tasty and similar. But this is one step forward in the Multiplication of Stube HEMAT in Sumba to bring independence to the pig farming cycle. ***
