By: Elisabeth Uru Ndaya, S.Pd.
The weaving group 'Kawara Panamung' is a women's community formed in the mid-2020s. This community is under the assistance of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta for the last 3 years and it focuses on woman weaving skills of traditional East Sumba cloth. So far, the weaving group has succeeded in producing dozens of woven fabrics with various types of motifs and different ways of making process. Currently, the 'Kawara Panamung' community is on the step to do self-reliance. In this phase, as a companion, Elisabeth Uru Ndaya invites all group participants to think about the sustainability of the group, located at Elisabeth Uru Ndaya's house (Friday, 22/09/2023).
There are 6 topics discussed as part of the stages to be independent,
namely; 1) continue to carry out weaving activities every week by covering
accommodation together; 2) think of activities that can generate income in the
short term, such as processing local food into ready-to-sell products, in
addition to weaving activities which need quite a long process; 3) continue to
promote and cooperate with various parties to increase the carrying capacity of
the group; 4) collecting fund every month; 5) change of management, especially
the treasurer to manage the bank account of Kawara Panamung; and 6) raising
goats as a group asset. There were many things discussed by weaving
participants related to group sustainability, such as a commitment to continue
producing cloth and quality woven fabrics, as well as a time agreement in
working on woven fabrics.
In addition, weaving participants agreed to meet to conduct training on making pumpkin-based local food (Thursday, 28/09/2023). The pumpkin cake will be promoted to churches, schools, sub-districts, public health center, and through social media Facebook. In addition, the group will continue to carry out weaving activities while making local food. The meeting of weaving participants received good attention from the board of household welfare program of Tana Tuku village. Group members were invited to visit their vegetable gardens and chicken breeding locations, next to be invited to cooperate in realizing a healthy and nutritionally adequate community.
'Kawara Panamung', the first women's weaving community in Tana Tuku
village, Nggaha Ori Angu District, East Sumba Regency, is now increasingly
known by the community and the government. The activity of the weaving group
participants this month is to complete the final stage of making shawls and Kawuru
cloth. Changes in the situation did not dampen the intention and enthusiasm to
work on good and quality East Sumba woven fabric.
For readers who are called to support some funding of the women's weaving group Kawaru Panamung, can transfer to this group's account. Bank account name is Kawara Panamung Desa Tana Tuku, account number: 3500-01-060322-53-8, BRI Unit Pandawai, East Sumba. Happy sharing, women are capable to leap forward. ***
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